Franconia Ridge 6/22/2017

by | Mar 10, 2021 | Appalachian Trail

Today was my favorite section on the trail so far, Franconia Ridge.
Started with a steady, rocky climb up Haystack Mountain to get to the beginning of Franconia Ridge.

Walking out onto the ridge was amazing. The peaks of Mt Lincoln and Mt Lafayette stretched out before you. The distance seemed short until you noticed the little specs of color that were actually hikers!

The trail followed the ridge for several miles rising and falling with the peaks, before taking a turn and diving down to the lower slope of Mt Garfield.

The climb up Mt Garfield was very steep, but gave you great views looking back at Franconia Ridge.

The climb down from Garfield was as steep or steeper than the ascent, made worse by water running down making everything slick.

After getting down,  I made my way to the Galehead Hut for the night

The White Mountains have a number of high mountain huts spread throughout the range. They are rustic but offer a dining room, kitchen that does breakfast and a bunkroom that ranges in size from 30 to 90 bunks. Rates run from $100-200, and is usually booked up.
Thru hikers on the AT can do “work for stay” though. Basically we help out the crew for a half hour or so, sweeping, doing dishes or something similar.

In exchange, we get to set up sleep in the dining room after lights out and get leftover food from dinner and sometimes breakfast.

Today, Rabbit and I had to wash dishes for maybe 15 minutes. Not a bad deal!