I was slow leaving camp this morning promoting a cute “are you ready yet” look from Amy!

We had another long day of climbing in the heat. Passing through some lush green forested sections to start the morning.

We reached the top of the first climb and found ourselves on a barren ridgeline.

On the back side we found Whiskey Spring! Unfortunately, the water was not fit to drink…not enough whiskey was added to make it palatable.

The remainder of the day was spent in an area that had partially burned and was also being logged.

The logged portions were hard to navigate as the bulldozers and trucks had obliterated any trace of the trail in some areas.

The burned areas were incredible. All the undergrowth was gone and the trees were charred black

Amy spotted a rattlesnake on a rock next to the trail just before I passed by it!

In the evening we crossed over the middle fork of the Feather River.

There were several large down trees to scramble over including this huge tree that had been burned hollow almost like a giant charred playground slide.

We camped for the night near Bear Creek – a new record big for mileage at 24.5 miles!