As we were packing to leave Sierra City, I found an old bat with a hand painted inspirational message!

We caught a hitch out of town back to the trail which saved us a mile and a half of road walking. This was huge as we had a steep 3,000 foot ascent shortly after making it to the trail.

A lot of the climb was covered in loose rocks making progress slow and difficult.

After the climb we hiked through a really cool forest of moss covered pine trees

We found a pair of hiking boots in the middle of nowhere that made me think of Cheryl Strayed. I guess this hiker allowed fear to overtake them and doomed their trip (and feet!)

We camped for the night at the Packsaddle Campground.

While we were setting up camp, we were invited over to a group of family and friends for dinner and beer! Thanks again Annalise, Joe, Jolene, Neal and Shirley!
It was so fun to meet you both! Thanks for coming to dinner and teaching us more about hiking the PCT. We hope the rest of the trail treats you well.
It was great meeting all of you, thanks again for everything!
Have you guys seen any other bears besides the one in the snow pic?
No but we keep missing them. Hikers in front of and behind us keep seeing them. Maybe it’s the smell!