Day 71 6/3/2021

by | Jun 15, 2021 | Pacific Crest Trail | 3 comments

Today started off with some wildlife! We saw a couple of deer in the first mile or so.

Later, we came across a grouse with her chicks.

We passed near a trailhead and got a stern warning from old Smoky.

In the afternoon we heard a lot of thunder and saw ominous clouds on the other side of the ridgeline. Luckily, the rain blew away from us, and we stayed dry.

With the threat of rain gone, we hiked on towards Thousand Island Lake.

I did a little fishing along the way and caught a few trout.

We made it to the lake and once again heard thunder rumbling. This time it was over Island Pass – the route we had to take to continue up trail. So, we hung out at the lake for a bit to let the storm blow over.

I caught about a half dozen trout, and Amy caught up on some reading while relaxing in the sun.

After the storm passed, we continued up trail.

With the rising temperatures the streams were running high with snow melt and many were flooding onto the trail.

We managed to rock hop and stay dry until the last stream crossing before camp. An icy snowmelt swollen stream that we had to wade across. The water was so cold it hurt, but it did clean our feet!

We made it to camp and had a little treat after dinner: Jiffy Pop!


  1. Dad

    The Popcorn Anniversary (6-month) was almost a month ago! Hard to believe we are less than 5 months until your reception.

  2. Ward LeHardy

    Awesome trout…looks like a blast.

    • Sean Drapac
