Day 40: 5/3/21

by | May 7, 2021 | Pacific Crest Trail | 8 comments

Today we left camp around 7:30am and preceded to climb for the first several miles.

Eventually, much of the trail was covered in fallen trees. Climbing over the trees was tedious.

Later in the morning, we passed the 600 mile marker!

A few miles from the marker we reached our water source for the day: Robin Bird Spring.

We took a nice long break and chatted with some other hikers before heading back on the trail.

While hiking we met another hiker, Lizard, who had section hiked the whole PCT. His wife, Forever Fifty, and her friend, Featherbed, were section hiking to Walker Pass. We have been keeping pace with each other for the last few days. Lizard gave us some oranges, cookies, and Gatorade. Thanks so much!

Finally, we made it to camp around 6pm. Our campsite had some pretty cool rocks!


  1. Dad

    Congratulations on hitting 600! That’s great!

    • Sean Drapac


  2. Sarah-anne l rohlfing

    Love the cool rocks at your camp!!!

  3. Snailbait

    Do you two each have a radically cool hiker name like some of the folks you’ve met on the way? If not, I could work on that for you. Also, the 600-mile marker looked a tad underwhelming. Is there a PCT non-profit organization that could make something a bit more substantial?

    • Sean Drapac

      Mine is “The Purge” and hers is Ghost Fingers”

    • Glide

      Due to changes in the trail every year, the distance markers move. There’s a monument to mark “halfway”, but I think it’s now close to 20 miles from the actual halfway point in 2021.

  4. Glide

    Loving your blog! Thanks for taking the time. I hiked in 2015. I’m pretty sure I took a lunch break where you camped.

    • Amy

      We’re glad you are enjoying it! Thanks for following!