I woke up early and hiked to Screwdriver Creek; however, there was only water when I got there.

On my way there I spotted three deer: a doe and two fawns. One of the fawns posed for a picture.

I hiked through the woods most of the morning. Occasionally, the woods would open up to allow fantastic views including one of Mount Shasta!

I saw this little guy!

Later in the day, I passed lots of flowers. A few parts of the trail had loads of butterflies!

As the day wore on, the trail became full of brush. It was difficult to hike, and I felt like I was bushwhacking for miles!

Finally, I made it to camp several hours later than I anticipated.
With all that bushwhacking, I would’ve been wondering if I were on the right trail! Along the path, the tall purple flowers look like loose strife, but I’m not sure. If so, I believe its roots and leaves are edible.
There was no other trail, so I knew it was right
Your opening comment reminded me of a Three Stooges scene. Moe: Oh see the deer, does the deer have any doe? Curley: Why certainly! Two bucks!
Great pictures!