Day 10: 4/3/21

by | Apr 6, 2021 | Pacific Crest Trail | 6 comments

Today we slept in! Our ride, Kym, was scheduled to open the market where we camped. She gave us a ride to Warner Springs post office around 9:30am. When we got to the post office, we were able to pick up packages for other hikers, but our package with our winter gear was not there yet! The Warner Springs post office was very friendly though and searched for a bit for our package before we figured out it was still in transit. After making some phone calls, we were able to bounce our package up the trail. Luckily, we can do without the gear for a few more days. We went back to the Montezuma Valley Market to enjoy some Gatorade and relax until we got a ride back to the trail!

Above is a picture of our ride! Joe hiked the PCT several years ago and was nice enough to shuttle us back to the trail from the market!

We got back on the trail around noon and hiked through some pretty meadows in the heat of the day. We eventually came upon Eagle Rock!

A few miles past Eagle Rock we hiked into Warner Springs.

We filled up on water at the community center, but the community center was closed. We met some other hikers there and some Canadians who were motorcycling around the country!

After a short time we decided to continue our hike! We encountered some cool scenery and some trail magic under a bridge!

We eventually made it to Aqua Caliente Creek where we made camp for the night. We’re looking forward to a big day of hiking tomorrow!


  1. Greg Alexander

    You two are adorable.. I am a 63 year old guy WFH here in East Texas and I am really enjoying following your adventure. When you get my age, it isn’t the money you have put away, it is the memories you make that matter. I LOVE all the photos. I check for them every day before I start work.

    And I’ll just say this…. I never was in the military, but you Marine’s have my undying respect.

    Good luck on your adventure of a lifetime.

    • Sean Drapac

      Thanks! Glad you are enjoying our posts! And thanks for reaching out!

  2. Deb Edwards

    Eagle rock looked amazing! I’m enjoying following your blog.

    • Amy


    • Amy

      Thanks Deb!!!

  3. Sarah

    Yoooo eagle rock. Wow. Looks like a sculpture! Love the yellow flowers!