
by | Mar 10, 2021 | Appalachian Trail

The temperature dropped overnight to the thirties,  even lower with the wind blowing across the Mountains.

Karaoke,  Luna, Spice and I all left together in the morning to tackle Mt Madison. The fog was thick and the wind drove the temperatures into the 20s as we climbed to the rocky summit.

After the summit, the trail wound down a ridgeline before finally dropping back below the tree line.

Once below the tree line,  we were protected from the wind and warmed up quickly. The sun eventually came out later in the afternoon allowing us to drop our cold weather gear.

We stopped by the Pinkham Notch Visitor Center for lunch. Thanks again Stefanie!

Afterward, we continued on, up and down the steep Wildcat peaks before stopping for the night at the Carter hut. We lucked out and got work for stay spots again.  This time only having to give a talk and answer questions about the AT, to the guests at the hut.