
by | Mar 3, 2021 | Appalachian Trail

After the thunderstorm ordeal the day before, we decided to put in a short, 5 mile day to Andover, Maine to resupply and square away our gear.

It was actually a nice day,  the sun was out and the humidity dropped.

Spice and I hiked on, with plans for Karaoke and Luna to meet us in town. The trail wasn’t bad until we came to a river crossing. The water was knee deep and flowing fast. But the real problem was, 15 ft downstream from the crossing was a 60ft waterfall.  One slip and you would have easily been washed over the edge.

We decided to play it safe and walk upstream about 100yds before crossing.

We all made it into Andover where we stayed at the Pine Ellis Hostel, ate in town, rested,  did laundry and got ready to hit the trail the next day.