
by | Mar 3, 2021 | Appalachian Trail

We planned a long 17 mile day for today. (Well that’s long in the rugged terrain of Southern Maine anyway)

Karaoke and Luna got started a little before Spice and I.

We hit the trail and immediately got detoured by a side trail to “The Caves”.

It was a section of huge jumbled boulders that made a bunch of caves going up the hill before ending in a large 75ft rock face. We spent a good half hour scrambling around the rocks. It was nice to climb around without a pack on for a bit.

After the caves, we made it about another mile or so before finding a pond. I noticed a couple boats laying near the shore, so we hopped in one and did a little fishing.

We didn’t catch anything,  but had fun on the water.

After returning to shore, we finally hit the trail for good and started the first of several good climbs. The first being Saddleback mt.

At the top we could look back down at the pond we fished on.

It was nice to be on top of a mountain with 360 views on a good day!

We hiked over Saddleback,  down the horn and up over Saddleback jr. Spice and I met back up with Karaoke and Luna at the Spaulding Mt Leanto. After the detours early,  it was a late finish, but worth it!