End of the Line! 7/21/2017

by | Mar 3, 2021 | Appalachian Trail

The day has finally arrived! It took a little over 5 months and 2,184 miles but we are finally ready to hike up mt Katahdin and reach the end of the Appalachian trail!

At 5,267 ft, it is the highest peak in Maine. It has an elevation gain of more than 4,000 feet in just 5 miles, the most on the AT. Truly an epic finish to an incredible journey.

After checking in at the ranger station and acquiring our permits, we were ready to hit the trail.

We passed an ominous sign at the base of the trail,  providing a reminder of how dangerous the trail can be.

The first mile or so was not very steep, however that changed as soon as we left the tree line behind.

The trail turned into a boulder scramble with a little rock climbing thrown in as we trekked closer to the summit.

About a mile or so from the top, the terrain leveled out briefly in a section known as the Gateway.

After the Gateway, we started the final ascent

Our excitement grew as the summit marker came into view

Finally, we were there!

It was a very surreal feeling, finally touching the sign.

We all took turns taking pictures of the sign and relaxing in the sun.

After hanging out at the summit for a while, we headed back down the mountain, ready to head to town and celebrate!