Day 75 6/7/2021

by | Jun 15, 2021 | Pacific Crest Trail

We got an early start to hike up and over Seavey Pass. Though the weather has been warm, we heard there was still some snow remaining on the north side and wanted to hit it while it was still solid.

We ran into some snow packs on the back side.

Then some more snow as the trail led us down into a steep narrow canyon.

The snow was frozen making it very slick. We alternated between slowly hiking across snow banks and scrambling among the rocks and logs, all while the snow melt swollen stream raged beside us.

Most of the stream crossings were fast and deep due to the site runoff. Occasionally, we got lucky and were able to stay dry by crossing on fallen trees.

Our luck didn’t always hold though. This waterfall is actually the trail!

In spite of the wet trail, we really enjoyed the views.

In the evening I found a men’s wedding band near a water crossing. If by chance anyone reading this knows of someone that lost it, please let us know!

Only a one more day left in Yosemite National Park and just a couple days left in the Sierra section. It’s been a great stretch, but we are excited to move on to northern California!