
by | Mar 3, 2021 | Appalachian Trail

After hearing about a line of thunderstorms moving through the area,  we decided to hang around town until the afternoon.

The plan was to  hike up to Horn pond leanto, about five miles up the trail. It would leave us near the top of the Bigalow Mt Horns.

Karaoke,  Spice, Luna and I hit the trail mid afternoon. The terrain was gently rolling through the forest for a couple miles before it started to climb.

A little after the trail began to ascend into the Bigalow’s, I had a pretty good fall. Slipping on a steep muddy section of trail,  I landed hard on a couple of rocks.

My left knee took the  brunt of the fall with a direct hit on a jagged rock jutting from the trail.  My thigh also caught a bit of the rock as well.

Luckily it didn’t feel like anything was broken, but it did really slow me down the rest of the day, particularly on several rock faces we had to scramble over.

Karoake stayed behind and hiked with me the rest of the way to make sure I made it to the shelter.

Once there,  I had dinner (and some pain relievers), then hobbled down to Horns pond to wash up.

I brought my fly fishing rod with me,  determined to have one bright spot on the day.

I stayed about a half hour, catching one small fish before washing up and heading back to the shelter for the night.

Tomorrow is going to be a little rough,  but the finish line in sight! Actually,  if it is a clear day,  the Katadin should literally be in sight way off in the distance from the Bigelow Mt summit tomorrow!