
by | Mar 3, 2021 | Appalachian Trail

The day started with a very rough climb up the Mahoosuc Arm. It may have been the roughest part of the trail so far. Covering 1600ft of elevation in just a mile and a half.

After the arm, we met back up with a Karoake and Luna at a shelter for a late lunch.  Spice and I decided to push on, up and over the Baldpate Peaks.

Almost as soon as we started the comb climb,  it began to rain.  We pushed on, up the steep slope to the summit.

On top, it was foggy,  very windy and pouring rain. We started hearing thunder off in the distance

The storm soon blew right over us. We were essentially stranded on a large open summit in a thunderstorm.

We pushed through, desperately trying to get back into the tree line and out of the lightening

The rain fell harder and harder, by the time we got off the rocky summit,  the trail had turned into a stream, essentially a flash flood coursing down the mountain.

We still had several miles to go on the steep flooded trail. We picked our way down carefully,  somehow managing not to slip and fall in the nearly 6 inches of water running down the trail.

Somehow we made it to the Frye Notch leanto (shelters are called leantos in Maine), dried out and called it a night.