
by | Mar 10, 2021 | Appalachian Trail

Woke up to rain, wind and fog at the hut. Spent most of breakfast working out a back up plan to get off the mountain if the storms persisted.

The rain slowed a bit, so Rabbit and K headed out and climbed Mt Guyot in the rain and fog.

The rain eventually tapered off as we climbed down from the summit.

On the way down,  there were several good lookout points with great views of the mountains as the fog lifted.

Parts of the trail were completely flooded out from all the rain. Some areas had foot bridges which helped out though.

We stopped at the Zealand hut for lunch. It rained heavily as soon as we got there, but cleared up as we finished and the sun actually came out!

The rest of the day was an easy trail going down to the rt 302 crossing, our stopping point for the day.

Rabbit stayed at a hostel in town while I stayed with my new friends,  Stefanie and Bill in their home just outside of town. They were great hosts and very friendly.

We had dinner, then played Scrabble. After a good start, I faded fast, finish third behind Bill and Stefanie. It was a great time though,  thanks again!